Internal Organs Diagram

Diagram of internal organs

Picture of Human body Body parts

Parts of the body Human body parts

57.  brain; 58.  spinal cord  59.  throat; 60.  windpipe  61.  esophagus
62.  muscle; 63.  lung; 64.  heart  65.  liver; 66.  stomach; 67.  intestines
68.  vein; 69.  artery; 70.  kidney  71.  pancreas; 72.  bladder

Parts of the body
61. brain; 62. throat; 63. esophagus  64. windpipe;
65. spinal cord; 66. lungs  67. heart; 68. liver; 69. gallbladder
70. stomach; 71. large intestine; 72. small intestine

Human body parts
73. muscles; 74. bones; 75. pancreas
76. kidneys; 77. bladder; 78. veins  79. arteries

 Parts of the body Internal Organs

sinus, palate, tongue, larynx, adam’s apple, vocab cords, throat, brain, pharynx, epiglottis, esophagus

 Parts of the body internal organs

liver, duodenum, kidney, pancreas, small intestine, large intestine, appendix, thyroid gland, windpipe, lung, heart, stomach, splleen

Parts of the Body, Human body parts: Name and Pictures

Human Body Parts List

Picture of Internal Organs

Parts of the Body

Body parts
1. head  2. arm 3. back 4. waist 5. buttocks/ backside 6. leg 7. face 8. chest
9. stomach 10. hip  11. hand  12. foot

Body parts Body parts
13. eye  14. eyebrow   15. nose  16. mouth  17. chin
18. hair  19. ear  20. lips  21. neck

Body parts
22. nail   23. thumb  24. finger  25. wrist

Body parts
26. palm 27. shoulder   28. forearm  29. upper arm  30. elbow

 Body parts
31. knee  32. thigh  33. shin  34. calf   35. ankle   36. heel  37. toe

Body parts

1. forehead  2. temple  3. eyebrow  4. eyelid  5. eyelash
6. pupil 7. cheek

Parts of the body Body partsParts of the body - Body - Picture Dictionary
8. teeth  9. tooth  10. tongue                      11. brain  12. throat

Body parts
13. vein 14. artery  15. lung  16. liver  17. stomach  18. large intestine
19. small intstine

 Body parts
20. muscle  21. lung  22. heart  23. kidney

Body parts
24. skeleton  25. skull  26. ribs  27. breastbone/ sternum
28. spine/ backbone  29. hip-bone  30. pelvis
31. kneecap

Body Parts Names

human body parts
1.  face; 2.  mouth; 3.  chin; 4.  neck; 5.  shoulder; 6.  arm;
7.  upper arm; 8.  elbow; 9.  forearm; 10.  armpit; 11.  back;
12.  chest;  13.  waist; 14.  abdomen;

human body parts
28. shoulder  29. chest  30. abdomen

human body parts
15.  buttocks; 16.  hip; 17.  leg;
18.  thigh;  19.  knee; 20.  calf;

 human body parts
31. back; 32. arm; 33. armpit  34. elbow; 35. waist
36. hip; 37. bullocks; 38. leg  39. thigh; 40. knee;
41. calf  42. shin

Temple Body Part

Parts of the Body Male



skull, temple, ear, forehead, face, Adam’s apple , shoulder, nipple, breast, armpit, thorax, navel, abdomen, pubis, groin, knee, foot, toe, ankle, instep




hair, head, nape, neck, shoulder blade, arm , back, elbow, waist, trunk, hip forearm, wrist, loin, hand, thigh, buttock, calf, leg, heel, foot

Parts of the Body Girl



eye, nose, cheek, chin, mouth, neck, shoulder, armpit, breast, thorax, navel, abdomen, publs, groin, knee, foot, ankle, toe



hair. nape, head, neck, shoulder blade, arm, elbow, back, waist, trunk, loin, hip, forearm, wrist, hand, buttock, thigh, leg, calf, foot, heel.



Head, arm, chest, stomach, knee, leg

Girl chldern body

ankle, heel, foot, toe, wrist, thumb, hand, finger


human body parts

30.  hair; 31.  part; 32.  forehead;  33.  sideburn; 34.  ear;
35.  cheek;36.  nose; 37.  nostril; 38.  jaw;  39.  beard;
40.  mustache; 41.  tongue;  42.  tooth; 43.   lip;

human body parts
1. head; 2. hair; 3. forehead  4. temple; 5. face
13. ear; 14. earlobe  15. nose; 16. nostril; 17. cheek
18. jaw; 19. mouth; 20. lip  21. tooth-teeth; 22. tongue; 23. chin

human body parts
24. sideburn  25. mustache  26. beard  27. neck


Parts of the body

face, hair, skin, eyebrow, eyelash, ear, nose, mole, lip, chin, forehead, temple, eye, cheek, nostril, mouth, jaw

Head clown

Clown head: forehead hải eye eyebrow check nóe lip mouth tongue

head girl

forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, lip, teeth, chin

 teeth, eyelashes

mustache, moustache, ears, beard

Eye parts names

Parts of the bodyParts of the body

44.  eyebrow;; 45.  eyelid; 46.  eyelashes;
47.  iris; 48.  pupil;

6. eye; 7. eyebrow; 8. eyelid
9. eyelashes; 10. iris; 11. pupil
12. cornea


Human body parts

21.  wrist; 22.  knuckle; 23.  fingernail; 24.  thumb;
25.  (index) finger; 26.  middle finger;
27.  ring finger; 28.  little finger; 29.  palm;

Parts of the body
43. hand; 44. wrist; 45. thumb
46. (index) finger; 47. middle finger
48. ring finger; 49. pinky/little finger
50. palm;  51. fingernail; 52. knuckle




palm, middle finger, third finger, little finger, index finger , fingernaill, thumb, lunula , wrist

 Human body parts

ring finger, middle finger, index finger, little finger, wrist, palm, thumb, nail, cuticle, knuckle


Parts of the body

49.  ankle; 50.  heel; 51.  instep; 52.  ball;
53.  big toe; 54.  toe;  55.  little toe; 56.  toenail;

Human body parts

53. foot; 54. ankle; 55. heel; 56. toe
57. little toe; 58. big toe; 59. toenail

body 8 Human body: Body, Head, Eye, Hand, Foot; Internal Organs people english through pictures
60. skin


toe, ball, sole, instep, arch, heel, big toe, bridge, toenail, little toe, ankle

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Ankle, Aorta, Back, Backwards, Bite, Blue+Eyes, Body, Body Parts, Bone, Brain, Brown Eyes, Butt, Calf, Calves, Cartoon Eyes

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Cerebellum, Cheek, Cheeks, Chin, Dimples, Ear, Earache

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Ealobe, Ears, Elbow, Eye, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Eyelid, Eyes, Finger

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Fingernails, Fingers Crossed, Fist, Foot, Footprints, Forehead,  Green Eyes, Hand, Head, Heel

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Heels, Hip, Human Heart, Inferior Vena Cava, Jaw, Kidney, Kidneys, Kiss, Knee, Lap, Legs, Lips

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Liver, Lungs, Mouth, Muscle, Mustache, Neck, Nose, Okay, Palm

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Pituitary Gland, Pregnancy, Pulmonary Artery, Raise Hand, Ribs, Rub Tummy, Shadow, Shoulder, Skeleton, Skull, Smile, Spine

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Spine, Stomach, Superior Vena Cava, Taste, Teeth, Tip Toe, Toes, Tongue, Tongue on side, Tongue on side, Tongue Out, Tongue Up, Tonsils, Tooth

Body Parts Pictures for Classroom and Therapy

Touch, Unibrow, Uvula, Wrish , X-ray

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

arm                                                          body

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

back                                                                   bottom

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

chin                                                                       chest

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

ear                                                                               elbow

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

eyes                                                                                          hand

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

fingers                                                                             feet

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

head                                                                                           knees

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

leg                                                                       mouth

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

nose                                                                                     shoulders

Picture Card For KidsPicture Card For Kids

stomach                                                                                               toes

El cuerpo humano en diccionario de imágenes

Tools Names – List of Tools, Names of Tools with Picture

Hand Tools Names

Tools in Workshop, TOOLS AND HARDWARE

1 hammer, 2 mallet, 3 ax
4 saw/handsaw, 5 hacksaw, 6 level
7 screwdriver, 8 Phillips screwdriver , 9 wrench
10 monkey wrench/ pipe wrench, 11 chisel
12 scraper, 13 wire stripper, 14 hand drill
15 vise, 16 pliers, 17 toolbox, 18 plane
19 electric drill, 20 (drill) bit, 21 circular saw/ power saw
22 power sander, 23 router, 24 wire
25 nail, 26 washer, 27 nut
28 wood screw, 29 machine screw, 30 bolt


1. hammer 2. screwdriver 3. Phillips screwdriver
4. wrench 5. pliers

6. hacksaw 7. hatchet

8. monkey wrench 9. saw 10. hand drill
11. brace 12. chisel 13. scraper

14. vise 15. electric drill
16. (drill) bit 17. power saw

18. level 19. plane
20. toolbox

21. (paint) pan  22. (paint) roller
23. paintbrush/brush   24. paint

25. paint thinner
26. sandpaper

27. wire  28. nail  29. screw
30. washer   31. bolt   32. nut


Tool box

adjustable wrench, wrench, screwdriver bits, screwdriver, tape measure, hammer,
knife, socket, bull-nose pliers,needle-nose pliers, socket wrench, level, washer, nut, Allen key

drill bits


drill bits


Drill bits :metal bit, reamer, carpentry bits, flat wood bit, secrity bit, masonry bit,
wir strippers, solderring iron, wire cutters, electrical tape, scalpel

Electrical tools names and pictures

 circular saw , workbench, vice,

circular saw , workbench, vice,



drill bit, jigsaw, rechargeable drill, battery pack, electric drill, chuck, glue gun

hacksaw, tenon saw, fretsaw,

hacksaw, tenon saw, fretsaw,

pipe cutter, wrench, pluger

pipe cutter, wrench, pluger

steel wool, miter block, sharpening stone, sandpaper, chisel, hand drill, file

steel wool, miter block, sharpening stone, sandpaper, chisel, hand drill, file

Workshop– Picture Dictionary

Workshop– Work/ occupations – Picture Dictionary


Tools  1. box cutter 2. toolbox

Workshop– Work/ occupations – Picture Dictionary

3. tape measure
4. saw


Workshop– Work/ occupations – Picture Dictionary

5. hammer  6. nail
7. power saw


Workshop– Work/ occupations – Picture Dictionary

8. plane   9. workbench   10. power/ electric drill
11. (drill) bit   12. screwdriver   13. screw

Workshop– Work/ occupations – Picture Dictionary

14. hook  15. vise
16. sandpaper

Workshop– Work/ occupations – Picture Dictionary

17. pliers   18. wrench   19. ax/ axe
20. paintbrush   21. (paint) can   22. (paint) tray
23. (paint) rollerpaint  24. paint

1. carpenter’s rule, 2. C-clamp, 3. jigsaw
4. wood, 5. extension, 6. outlet, 7. grounding plug

8. saw, 9. brace, 10. wrench, 11. mallet
12. monkey wrench, 13. hammer, 14. scraper
15. pegboard , 16. hook, 17. hatchet, 18. hacksaw, 19. pliers

20. circular saw
21. tape measure
22. workbench
23. toolbox

24. screwdriver
25. phillips screwdriver

26. power sander, 27. sandpaper, 28. pan
29. roller, 30. paintbrush, 31. paint
32. wood plane, 33. glue
34. electrical tape, 35. wire

36. vise
37. router

38. bolt, 39. nut, 40. washer, 41. nail
42. screw
a. head
b. thread
43. electric drill
a. bit
b. shank
c. switch
d. plug

Tools Names List

Tools in Workshop, TOOLS AND HARDWARE

Axe, Bolt, Bucket, Calculator, Carpenter, Clamp, Clippers, Cut, Dig, Drill, Dropper, Fix

Tools in Workshop, TOOLS AND HARDWARE

Drill, Dropper, Fix, Gear, Grill, Hammer, Hoe, Inclined +Plane, Jackhammer, Lever, Magnet, Magnetic, Magnifying+ Glass, Measuring+ Spoons, Microscope

Tools in Workshop, TOOLS AND HARDWARE

Mixer, Nails, Nut, Pliers, Pullery, Pump, Rake, Ruler, Rusty+ Wrench, Saw

Tools in Workshop, TOOLS AND HARDWARE

Scale, Scoop, Scraps, Screw, Screwdriver, Shovel, Sweeper, Tape

Tape, Teeter+ Board, Thermometer, Toolbelt, Toolbox, Tools, Trowel, Tweezers, Wedge, Wheel and Axle, Wheelbarrow, Wrench.

cutter,  axe, drill

file,  garden fork,   hammer

ladder,   mallet ,   nail

pickaxe,  pliers,   shovel,  ships

saw,  screw,  rake,  screwdriver,  spade, tape measure

spanner,  vice

Musical Instruments Names with Names and Pictures


A. Strings

Musical Instruments
1. violin  2. viola   3. cello   4. bass
Musical Instruments
5. (acoustic) guitar   6. ukulele   7. electric guitar   8. banjo   9. mandolin
Musical Instruments10. harp


Musical Instruments

1.bow 2.violin 3.viola 4.(double) bass 5.cello 6.piano

B. Woodwinds

Musical Instruments
11. piccolo  12. flute  13. clarinet  14. oboe
15. recorder  16. saxophone  17. bassoon


Musical Instruments

11.flute 12.piccolo 13.oboe 14.recorder 15.clarinet 16.saxophone 17. bassoon



piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, double

C. Brass

Musical Instruments
18. trumpet   19. trombone   20. French horn  21. tuba


Musical Instruments

7.French horn 8.tuba 9.trumpet 10.trombone



trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba

D. Percussion

Musical Instruments
22. drum  23. kettledrum   24. bongos
25. conga (drum)  26. cymbals  27. xylophone


Musical Instruments

18.xylophone 19.drum set 20.cymbal 21.drum




kettledrum , gong, bongos, snare drum, cymbals, tambourine, trialgle, maracas

E. Keyboard Instruments

Musical Instruments
28. piano   29. organ  30. electric piano/ digital piano  31. synthesizer

F. Other Instruments

Musical Instruments
32. accordion   33. harmonica

Other instruments

Musical Instruments

22.accordion 23.harmonica

Rock Music

Musical Instruments

24. mike/microphone 25.(electric) guitar 26. (bass) guitar
27.keybord 28.anplifier

vibraphone, saxophone

vibraphone, saxophone



Woodwind: flute, Percussion, kettledrums Brass: French horn,
violin, harp, piano, Strings, conductor

Symphony orchesta

Symphony orchesta

Woodwind section 1.bass clarinet 2.clarinets 3.contrabassoons 4. bassoons 5. flutes
6. oboes 7.piccolo 8.English horns
Percussion section 9. bubular bells 10.xylophone 11. triangle
12.castanets 13.cymbals 14.snare drum 15.gong 16.bass drum 17.rimpani
Bass section 18.trumpets 19.comet 20.trombones 21.tuba 22.French homs
Sring section 23.first violins 24.second violins 25.violas 26.cellos 27.double basses
28.harps 29.piano 30.conductor’s podium

Orchestra Strings

 harp, conductor, double bass, violin, podium , viola, cello

harp, conductor, double bass, violin, podium , viola, cello

musical instruments for kids

trumpet, tuba, tambourine, saxophone, recorder, violin

musical instruments for kids

harmonica, xylophone, guitar, castanets, cymbals, accordion

musical instruments for kids

picano, flute, triangle, drum


singing, play the violin, playing the saxophone, playing the guitar


Music and Musicians

Music and Musicians

guitarist, acoustic guitar, drummer, drums, amplifier

Rock Band

Rock Band

microphone, singer, bass guitarist, bass guitar, electric guitar,
keyboard, keyboardist

 Jazz Band

 Jazz Band

double bass, clarinet, saxophone, vibraphone, trombone

Traditional musical instruments

Traditional musical instruments accordion

Accordion: bellows strap, treble register, treble keyboard,   key, grille, bellows, button, bass keyboard, bass register

traditional musical instruments - begpipestraditional musical instruments - balalaika

Bagpipes: drope pipe, blow pipe, stock, windbag, chanter
Balalaika: triagular body.

traditional musical instruments Banjo


Banjo – circular body


traditional musical instruments - djembeharmonica
Djembe – batter skin, sound box, tension rope    ;     harmonica

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Banjo, Boombox, Bugle, Castanets, Circle Time, Clarinet, Compact Disc, Cymbals, Dance, Disco Ball, Drum , Drummer

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Drummers , Flute, Flutist , Golden Harp, Guitar, Harmonica, Harp, Headphones, Jig, Ladies Dancing, Maracas, MP3 Player

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Music, Music Note, Music Time, Note, Parade, Pat

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Piano, Pipers Piping , Radio, Record, Sax, Sharp, Singing, Staff, Sticks, Sway, Tambourine, Theater, Trombone, Trumpet

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use


Trumpet , Tuba, Ukelele, Violin, Wiggle, Xylophone


The words for musicians who play individual instruments:


More words for people involved in music:
alto                          a female singer with a low voice
bass                         a male singer with a low voice
choir or chorus director someone who directs a group of singers
conductor            someone who directs a band or an orchestra
singer                     a person who makes music with his or her voice
soprano                 a female singer with a high voice
tenor                       a male singer with a high voice


blues: a style of slow jazz evolved from African-American songs

  • I love to listen to the blues when I’m lonely.

classical: European musk of the latter half of the eighteenth century; music of acknowledged excellence and serious style

  • Classical music is often performed by the city’s symphony orchestra.

country: a style of popular music from the rural American south and southwest

  • A lot of country musicians live and work in Nashville, Tennessee.

folk/ ethnic: music that originates among the common people of a region

  • Folk music was very popular in the United States in the 1960s.

jazz: a kind of music that originated with African-American bands in the southern United States, characterized by improvisation and strong, flexible rhythm

  • Jazz is popular in many parts of the world.

oldies: popular music from an earlier decade

  • Her favorite oldies are from the 1950s and 1960s.

popular: music that is appreciated by a large number of people during the current period of time

  • That radio station plays only popular music.

rap: a currently popular style of music that originated among African-American performers, characterized by talking, rather than singing, in rhyme and rhythm

  • Rap is for listening, not dancing.

rhythm and blues: a style of music with strong, simple rhythm and lyrics that originated in the late 1940s and early 1950s among African-American groups

  • Rhythm and blues is great for swing dancing.

rock: a popular style of music played by bands with electric guitars, keyboards, and drums, often with emotional singing by a group or one singer

  • Rock concerts are very popular among young people.

rock and roll: a style of music that began in the 1950s and combined elements of rhythm and blues and country

  • There were a lot of TV shows with rock-and-roll dancers.



a formal, artistic dance with graceful movements and elaborate technique

  • She has been dancing ballet since she was a child.

a ballet show

  • We went to the ballet last night.

ballroom: a formal version of popular dance, where style and technique are important, including the foxtrot, waltz, swing, and Latin, among others

  • I’m learning the waltz from my neighbor who teaches ballroom dancing.

movement in time with music

  • Dance is a good way to exercise and relax at the same time.

an event where people go to dance

  • Are you going to the dance on Saturday night?

jazz: a type of ballet performed to jazz music

  • She is a top ballet performer and is also accomplished in jazz.

Latin: any of the dances performed to popular music from Latin America, including merengue, salsa, cumbia, bachata, mambo, samba, cha-cha, and tango, among others

  • He is a good swing dancer, but what he really likes is Latin dancing.

line: a dance performed to country music, where dancers dance individually but all follow the same steps

  • One good thing about line dancing is that you don’t need a partner.

tap: a dance performed with a metal plate attached to the toe or heel of the shoe

  • She is good at both ballet and tap.

Daily Routine- Home Activities – Everyday Activities – Leisure Activities

Daily Routine- Home Activities – People – Photo Dictionary

Daily Rountine- Home Activities - People - Photo Dictionary

1. wake up 2. get up  3. wash your face
4. rinse your face  5. dry your face/ yourself   6. brush your teeth

Daily Rountine- Home Activities - People - Photo Dictionary

7. take a shower  8. shave   9. get dressed  10. comb your hair
11. put on make-up  12. eat breakfast  13. have a cup of coffee  14. go to work

Daily Rountine- Home Activities - People - Photo Dictionary

15. watch (TV)  16. read (the paper)  17. listen to the radio  18. take a bath
19. brush your hair   20. go to bed  21. sleep

 Everyday Activities

get%20up Everyday Activities people english through pictures take%20a%20shower Everyday Activities people english through pictures brush%20my%20teeth Everyday Activities people english through pictures
get up
take a shower
brush my teeth
floss%20my%20teeth Everyday Activities people english through pictures shave Everyday Activities people english through pictures get%20dress Everyday Activities people english through pictures
floss my teeth
shave get dressed


wash%20my%20face Everyday Activities people english through pictures put%20on%20makeup Everyday Activities people english through pictures brush%20my%20hair Everyday Activities people english through pictures
wash my face
put on makeup
brush my hair
comb%20my%20hair Everyday Activities people english through pictures make%20the%20bed Everyday Activities people english through pictures get%20undressed Everyday Activities people english through pictures
comb my hair
make the bed
get undressed


take%20a%20bath Everyday Activities people english through pictures go%20to%20bed Everyday Activities people english through pictures sleep Everyday Activities people english through pictures
take a bath
go to bed
make%20breakfast Everyday Activities people english through pictures make%20lunch Everyday Activities people english through pictures cook%20make%20dinner Everyday Activities people english through pictures
make breakfast
make lunch
cook/make dinner


eat%20have%20breakfast Everyday Activities people english through pictures eat%20have%20lunch Everyday Activities people english through pictures eat%20have%20dinner Everyday Activities people english through pictures
eat/have breakfast
eat/have lunch
eat/have dinner


Everyday Activities

everyday%20activites%201 Everyday Activities people english through pictures

1 get up  2 take a shower  3 brush my* teeth  4 shave  5 get dressed  6 wash my* face
7 put on makeup  8 brush my* hair    9 comb my* hair 10 make the bed
* my, his, her, our, your, their

11 get undressed  12 take a bath  13 go to bed  14 sleep  15 make breakfast
16 make lunch   17 cook/make dinner 18 eat/have breakfast
19 eat/have lunch  20 eat/have dinner

everyday%20activites%202 Everyday Activities people english through pictures

1 clean the apartment/ clean the house  2 wash the dishes  3 do the laundry
4 iron  5 feed the baby  6 feed the cat  7 walk the dog  8 study  9 go to work
10 go to school  11 drive to work  12 take the bus to school  13 work
14 leave work  15 go to the store   16 come home/get home


LEISURE%20ACTIVITIES LEISURE ACTIVITIES people english through pictures

1 watch TV  2 listen to the radio  3 listen to music  4 read a book  5 read the newspaper|
6 play  7 play cards  8 play basketball   9 play the guitar  10 practice the piano  11 exercise
12 swim  13 plant flowers  14 use the computer   15 write a letter  16 relax

activities- cast, catch, reel in, net, release


activities- cast, catch, reel in, net, release

activities- clean, wash, wipe, scrup, scrape, sweep, dust, polish

activities- clean, wash, wipe, scrup, scrape, sweep, dust, polish

activities- cycling, jogging, skateboarding, rollerblading, bird watching, bridle path, horseback riding, hiking, picnic

activities- cycling, jogging, skateboarding, rollerblading, bird watching, bridle path, horseback riding, hiking, picnic