
Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Classroom Actions

Sport, exercise actions

action- kick, punch, strike, jump, block

action- kick, punch, strike, jump, block

action- throw, catch, shoot, mark, block

action- throw, catch, shoot, mark, block

action fall, hold, throw, pin, chopaction- jump, dunk, bounce

action fall, hold, throw, pin, chop             action- jump, dunk, bounce

action- tee-off, drive, putt, chip.


action- tee-off, drive, putt, chip.

action- throw, catch, run, field, slide,tag, pitch, bat, umpire, play


action- throw, catch, run, field, slide,tag, pitch, bat, umpire, play

action - sow, milk, feed, plow, water, harvest

action – sow, milk, feed, plow, water, harvest

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

911 Emergency, Across, actions , Adaptive Bike, All Done, Alone, Archer, Ask, Ask for a Drink, Ask for a Hug

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Duck Walk, Dusk, Eat, Eat oys, Edit, Exhale, Exit, Explain, Eye Contact, Fall

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Feed, Fight, Fingerpaint, Flush, Flutist, Focus, Forest

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Furious, Gentle Touches, Get Dressed, Give, Grocer, Gymnastics, Hair Dryer, Haircut

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Hand in Pants, Hands up, Hang, Headbutt, Hear, Here, Hi, Hide, High

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

High Five, Hike, History Book, Hold, Homework, Hoola Hoop, Hop, Hot, Hot, Hug, Ignore

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Ignore, In, Infinity Walk, Inhale, Is, Itch, Jack, Jack Fell Down, Jet, Jig, Jill, Jump, Jump Rope, Jumping Jack, Kangaroo Jump, Kick

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Jumping Jack , Kangaroo Jump, Kick , Kick ball, Kneel, Kneeling, Ladies Dancing, Lather

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Lather, laundry, Leaning, Leave, Lie, Lights on the Bus, Line Dance, Listen, Little Miss Muffet, Log Roll

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Lord Leaping, Loud, Lunch, Magnetic, Mailman, Mess, Mine, Mirror, Mixing, Mop, Mouth, Music Time,

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Assist, Avoid, Baby, Back bend, Baking, Balance, Balance Beam, Balance Board

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

My turn, Napkin, No, Nod, Noisy, NoRolling, One Leg, Out, Painting,

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Pants Down, Pants Up, Papperwork, Pat, Pat Head, Pat Head Rub Tummy, Pat Tablek, Pay, Peanut Ball

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Peel, People on the bus, Pet, Pinata, Ping Pong, Ping Pong  Paddies, Play, Play Blocks, Please, Pledge, Pockets

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Poem, Poke, Pommel Horse, Pop, Potty, Pour, Pray, Pull, Pull Hair, Push, Put Away

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Put Away, Put Coat Away, Put on Coat, Put on Gloves, Put on Hat, Put Shoes Away, Quiet, Raise Hand

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Raise Hand, Reach, Read, Reading, Reading Buddies, Relax

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Remember, Repeat, Reward, Ride a Tricycle, Rider, Rings, Rinse Toothbrush, Rip, Rise, Rocking Boat, Roll, Roller Racer, Round Seesaw, Row

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Rub Tummy, Run, Running, Scared, Scooter, Scooter Board, Scraps, Scream, Scuba, Diver, Scuba Diver, Secret, See, Seesaw

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Shake, Shampoo, Share, Shatter, Shopper,Shout, Shrug, Shut the Door, Sick, Sign Language, Singing, Sip, Sit

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Sitting, Skip, Sled, Sled, Sledding, Sleep, Slip, Slouch, Smash, Snow Angel, Snowball Fight

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Ball Therapy, Bathe, Be, Bear Walk, Bend, Bent Over, Bite, Bite Toys, Blindfolded

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Soap, Sorry, Spanish Class, Spill, Spitting, Splash, Split, Squeeze, Stand, Stare, Steal.

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Step, Stir, Stomp, Stomp Feet, Stop Sign, Story Time, Stretch, Strong, Students, Suck, Sway, Sweep

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Swim, Swing, Table Washer, Tag, Take Turns, Take Turns, Talk , Tan, Teeter Board, Teeter Board , Texting, Thank you, Therapy Ball.

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Thinking, Thought Bubbles, Throw, Throw Sand, Throw Toy, Tickle, Tier Shoe, Tip Toe, To do List, Tongue on Side, Tongue Out, Tongue up, Too Loud

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Toss, Touch, Toward, Trampoline, Trash Can, Tuck, Tug O War, Tumbling After, Tunnel, Turn off, Twist, Unpack Lunch, Unscrew

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Untied,  Veteran, Video Game, Wag, Wait, Waiting, Wake, Walk, Walk Backward , Walk on the Line,

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Want, Wash Face, Wash Hair, Wash Hands, Water Fountain,  Wave, Wet Hair, Wheelbarrow Walk

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Wheels on the bus, Wiggle, Windows on the bus, Winner, Wipe, Wipers on the Bus,

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Wondering, Write, Yell, Yoga, Your Turn, Zipper

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Blow, Blow Nose, Board Game, Book, Bounce, Break, Break ticket, Broke his crown, Broken, Broken Glass, Broken Heart

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Brush, Brush Teeth, Build, Calm, Car Crash, Car Wash, Care, Carpenter, Cartwheel

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Cashier, Catch, Cheerleader, Chess, Child, Choices, Clap, Clean, Clean Pumpkin

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Combat Crawl, Come, Confused, Conversation, Cookie Cutter, Cough, Crab Walk, Cracked, Cracked Glass, Crush, Cry, Custodian

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Custodian, Cut, Cut Hair , Dance, Delete, Dig, Discovery, Dishwasher, Diver, Do not know, Do not throw toys, Dodge

Pictures of people doing things, Verb words

Door Holder, Doors on the bus, Drafting, Draw, Dress, Dress up, Drink, Driver on the Bus, Drool, Drop, Drummer, Dry Hands,