Types of Clothing
1 long-sleeved shirt
2 short-sleeved shirt
3 sleeveless shirt
4 turtleneck (shirt)
5 V-neck sweater
6 cardigan sweater
7 crewneck sweater
8 turtleneck sweater
9 knee-high socks
10 ankle socks
11 crew socks
12 pierced earrings
13 clip-on earrings
Types of Material
14 corduroy pants
15 leather boots
16 nylon stockings
17 cotton T-shirt
18 denim jacket
19 flannel shirt
20 polyester blouse
21 linen dress
22 silk scarf
23 wool sweater
24 straw hat
25 striped
26 checked
27 plaid
28 polka-dotted
29 patterned/ print
30 flowered/ floral
31 paisley
32 solid blue
33 extra-small
34 small
35 medium
36 large
37 extra-large
Describing clothes – Clothes, Fashion – Picture Dictionary
Parts of clothes and shoes
1 collar
2 lapel
3 sleeve
4 buckle
5 shoelace
6 heel
7. buttonhole
8. button
9. hood
10. sole
11. hemline
12. pocket
13. seam
14. zipper
15. cuff
16. waistband
17. short-sleeved
18. long-sleeved
19. wide
20. narrow
21. baggy
22. loose
23. tight