Shoppping – Situational Dialogues – How to say
Are you being served?
No. what have you got in the way of brown suede jackets, size 42?
Sorry, but we’re sold right out.
Are you likely to be getting any more in?
I should think so, yes. If you leave your phone number, I’ll ring you.
Is anybody looking after you?
No. I’m looking for a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.
The best I can do is a 36.
Could you order me one?
I should imagine so, yes. If you leave your address, I’ll contact you.
Are you being attended to?
No. I’m trying to find a navy blue raincoat, size 42.
I can do the size, but not the colour.
Do you think you could get one for me?
Yes, of course. Look in again Monday week.
Are you being seen to?
No. I’m looking for a pin striped suit with a 34 waist?
I’m afraid I can’t help you at the moment.
Will you be having any more in?
I doubt it, but you might be lucky at our High Street branch.